RavenDB is meant to be a self-managing database, one that is able to take care of itself without constant hand-holding from the database administrator. That has been one of our core tenets from the get-go. Today I checked the current state of the codebase and we have roughly 500 configuration options that are available to control various aspects of RavenDB’s behavior.
These two statements are seemingly contradictory, because if we have so many configuration options, how can we even try to be self-managing? And how can a database administrator expect to juggle all of those options?
Even we as RocksDB developers don't fully understand the effect of each configuration change. If you want to fully optimize RocksDB for your workload, we recommend experiments and benchmarking.
And indeed, efforts were made to tune RocksDB using deep-learning models because it is that complex.
RavenDB doesn’t take that approach, tuning is something that should work out of the box, managed directly by RavenDB itself. Much of that is achieved by not doing things and carefully arranging that the environment will balance itself out in an optimal fashion. But I’ll talk about the Zen of RavenDB another time.
Today, I want to talk about why we have so many configuration options, the vast majority of which you, as a user, should neither use, care about, nor even know of.
The idea is very simple, deploying a database engine is a Big Deal, and as such, something that users are quite reluctant to do. When we hit a problem and a support call is raised, we need to provide some mechanism for the user to fix things until we can ensure that this behavior is accounted for in the default manner of RavenDB.
I treat the configuration options more as escape hatches that allow me to muddle through stuff than explicit options that an administrator is expected to monitor and manage. Some of those configuration options control whether RavenDB will utilize vectored instructions or the compression algorithm to use over the wire. If you need to touch them, it is amazing that they exist. If you have to deal with them on a regular basis, we need to go back to the drawing board.
For a new feature in RavenDB, I needed to associate each transaction with a source ID. The underlying idea is that I can aggregate transactions from multiple sources in a single location, but I need to be able to distinguish between transactions from A and B.
Luckily, I had the foresight to reserve space in the Transaction Header, I had a whole 16 bytes available for me. Separately, each Voron database (the underlying storage engine that we use) has a unique Guid identifier. And a Guid is 16 bytes… so everything is pretty awesome.
There was just one issue. I needed to be able to read transactions as part of the recovery of the database, but we stored the database ID inside the database itself. I figured out that I could also put a copy of the database ID in the global file header and was able to move forward.
This is part of a much larger change, so I was going full steam ahead when I realized something pretty awful. That database Guid that I was relying on was already being used as the physical identifier of the storage as part of the way RavenDB distributes data. The reason it matters is that under certain circumstances, we may need to change that.
If we change the database ID, we lose the association with the transactions for that database, leading to a whole big mess. I started sketching out a design for figuring out that the database ID has changed, re-writing all the transactions in storage, and… a colleague said: why don’t we use another ID?
It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was using the existing database Guid because it was already there, so it seemed natural to want to reuse it. But there was no benefit in doing that. Instead, it added a lot more complexity because I was adding (many) additional responsibilities to the value that it didn’t have before.
Creating a Guid is pretty easy, after all, and I was able to dedicate one I called Journal ID to this purpose. The existing Database ID is still there, and it is completely unrelated to it. Changing the Database ID has no impact on the Journal ID, so the problem space is radically simplified.
I had to throw away heaps of complexity because of a single comment. I used the Database ID because it was there, never considering having a dedicated value for it. That single suggestion led to a better, simpler design and faster delivery.
It is funny how you can sometimes be so focused on the problem at hand, when a step back will give you a much wider view and a better path to the solution.
I write a transactional database for a living, and the best example of why we want transactions is transferring money between accounts. It is ironic, therefore, that there is no such thing as transactions for money transfers in the real world.
If you care to know why, go back 200 years and consider how a bank would operate in an environment without instant communication. I would actually recommend doing that, it is a great case study in distributed system design. For example, did you know that the Templars used cryptography to send money almost a thousand years ago?
Recently I was reviewing my bank transactions and I found the following surprise. This screenshot is from yesterday (Dec 18), and it looks like a payment that I made is still “stuck in the tubes” two and a half weeks later.
I got in touch with the supplier in question to apologize for the delay. They didn’t understand what I was talking about. Here is what they see when they go to their bank, they got the money.
For fun, look at the number of different dates that you can see in their details.
Also, as of right now, my bank account still shows the money as pending approval (to be sent out from my bank).
I might want to recommend that they use a different database. Or maybe I should just convince the bank to approve the payment by the time of the next invoice and see if I can get a bit of that infinite money glitch.
The Cloud team at RavenDB has been working quite hard recently. The company at large is gearing up for the upcoming 6.2 release, but I can’t ignore the number of goodies that have dropped for RavenDB Cloud Customers.
Large Clusters & Sharding
RavenDB Cloud runs your production cluster with 3 nodes by default. Each one of them operates in a separate availability zone for maximum survivability. The new feature allows you to add additional nodes to your cluster. In the RavenDB Cloud Portal, you can see the “Add node” button and its impact:
Clicking this button allows you to add additional nodes to your cluster. The nodes will be deployed and attached to your cluster within a minute or two. The new nodes will be deployed in the same region (but not necessarily the same availability zone) where your cluster is already deployed.
There are plans in place to add support for deploying nodes in other regions and even in a multi-cloud environment. I would love to hear your feedback on this proposed feature.
You can see the new instances in the RavenDB Studio as well:
The key reason for adding additional nodes to a cluster is when you have very large datasets and you want to shard the data. Here is what this can look like:
In this case, we have sharded the data across 5 nodes, with a replication factor of 2.
Feature selection
There are certain Enterprise features that are only available in the higher-end instances in RavenDB Cloud (typically P30 or higher). We now allow you to selectively enable these features even on lower-tier instances.
This feature allows you to easily pick & choose (on an a-la-carte basis) the specific features you want, without having to upgrade to the more expensive tiers.
Metrics & monitoring
This feature isn’t actually new, but it absolutely deserves your attention. The RavenDB Cloud Portal has a metrics button that you should get familiar with:
Clicking it will provide a wealth of information about your cluster and its behavior. That can be really useful if you want to understand the system’s behavior. Take a peek:
Alerts & Warnings
In addition to just looking at the metrics, the RavenDB Cloud backend will give you some indication about things that you should pay attention to. For example, let’s assume that we had a node failure. You’ll typically not notice that since the RavenDB Cluster & client will work to ensure high availability.
You’ll be able to see that in the metrics, and the RavenDB Cloud Portal will bring it to your attention:
The major point we strive for in RavenDB and RavenDB Cloud is the notion that the entire experience will be seamless. From deployment and routine management to ensuring that you don’t have to concern yourself with the minutiae of data management, so you can focus on your application.
Being able to develop both the software and its execution environment greatly helps in providing solutions that Just Work. I’m really proud of what we have accomplished and I would love to get your feedback on it.
I wanted to test low-level file-system behavior in preparation for a new feature for RavenDB. Specifically, I wanted to look into hole punching - where you can give low-level instructions to the file system to indicate that you’re giving up disk space, but without actually reducing the size of the file.
This can be very helpful in space management. If I have a section in the file that is full of zeroes, I can just tell the file system that, and it can skip storing that range of zeros on the disk entirely. This is an advanced feature for file systems. I haven't actually used that in the past, so I needed to gain some expertise with it.
The code for Windows is here if you want to see it. I tested the feature on both Windows & Linux, and it worked. I could see that while the file size was 128MB, I was able to give back 16MB to the operating system without any issues. I turned the code above into a test and called it a day.
And then the CI build broke. But that wasn’t possible since I tested that. And there had been CI runs that did work on Linux. So I did the obvious thing and started running the code above in a loop.
I found something really annoying. This code worked, sometimes. And sometimes it just didn’t.
In order to get the size, I need to run this code:
I’m used to weirdness from file systems at this point, but this is really simple. All the data is 4KB aligned (in fact, all the data is 16MB aligned). There shouldn’t be any weirdness here.
As you can see, I’m already working at the level of Linux syscalls, but I used strace to check if there is something funky going on. Nope, there was a 1:1 mapping between the code and the actual system calls issued.
That means that I have to debug deeper if I want to understand what is going on. This involves debugging the Linux Kernel, which is a Big Task. Take a look at the code in the relevant link. I’m fairly certain that the issue is in those lines. The problem is that this cannot be, since both offset & length are aligned to 4KB.
I got out my crystal ball and thinking hat and meditated on this. If you’ll note, the difference between the expected and actual values is exactly 4KB. It almost looks like the file itself is not aligned on a 4KB boundary, but the holes must be.
Given that I just want to release this space to the operating system and 4KB is really small, I can adjust that as a fudge factor for the test. I would love to understand exactly what is going on, but so far the “file itself is not 4KB aligned, but holes are” is a good working hypothesis (even though my gut tells me it might be wrong).
If you know the actual reason for this, I would love to hear it.
And don't get me started on what happened with sparse files in macOS. There, the OS will randomly decide to mark some parts of your file as holes, making any deterministic testing really hard.
RavenDB has a hidden feature, enabled by default and not something that you usually need to be aware of. It has built-in support for caching. Consider the following code:
async Task<Dictionary<string,int>>HowMuchWorkToDo(string userId){
using var session = _documentStore.OpenAsyncSession();var results = await session.Query<Item>().GroupBy(x =>new{ x.Status, x.AssignedTo }).Where(g => g.Key.AssignedTo == userId && g.Key.Status !="Closed").Select(g =>new{
Status = g.Key.Status,
Count = g.Count()}).ToListAsync();return results.ToDictionary(x => x.Status, x => x.Count);}
What happens if I call it twice with the same user? The first time, RavenDB will send the query to the server, where it will be evaluated and executed. The server will also send an ETag header with the response. The client will remember the response and its ETag in its own memory.
The next time this is called on the same user, the client will again send a request to the server. This time, however, it will also inform the server that it has a previous response to this query, with the specified ETag. The server, when realizing the client has a cached response, will do a (very cheap) check to see if the cached response matches the current state of the server. If so, it can inform the client (using 304 Not Modified) that it can use its cache.
In this way, we benefit twice:
First, on the server side, we avoid the need to compute the actual query.
Second, on the network side, we aren’t sending a full response back, just a very small notification to use the cached version.
You’ll note, however, that there is still an issue. We have to go to the server to check. That means that we still pay the network costs. So far, this feature is completely transparent to the user. It works behind the scenes to optimize server query costs and network bandwidth costs.
The next stage is to involve the user. Enter the AggressiveCache() feature (see the full documentation here), which allows the user to specify an additional aspect. Now, when the client has the value in the cache, it will skip going to the server entirely and serve the request directly from the cache.
What about cache invalidation? Instead of having the client check on each request if things have changed, we invert the process. The client asks the server to notify it when things change, and until it gets notice from the server, it can serve responses completely from the local cache.
I really love this feature, that was the Good part, now let’s talk about the other pieces:
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
-- Phil Karlton
The bad part of caching is that this introduces more complexity to the system. Consider a system with two clients that are using the same database. An update from one of them may show up at different times in each. Cache invalidation will not happen instantly, and it is possible to get into situations where the server fails to notify the client about the update, meaning that we didn’t clear the cache.
We have a good set of solutions around all of those, I think. But it is important to understand that the problem space itself is a problem.
In particular, let’s talk about dealing with the following query:
var emps = session.Query<Employee>().Include(x => x.Department).Where(x => x.Location.City =="London").ToListAsync();
When an employee is changed on the server, it will send a notice to the client, which can evict the item from the cache, right? But what about when a department is changed?
For that matter, what happens if a new employee is added to London? How do we detect that we need to refresh this query?
There are solutions to those problems, but they are super complicated and have various failure modes that often require more computing power than actually running the query. For that reason, RavenDB uses a much simpler model. If the server notifies us about any change, we’ll mark the entire cache as suspect.
The next request will have to go to the server (again with an ETag, etc) to verify that the response hasn’t changed. Note that if the specific query results haven’t changed, we’ll get OK (304 Not Modified) from the server, and the client will use the cached response.
Conservatively aggressive approach
In other words, even when using aggressive caching, RavenDB still has to go to the server sometimes. What is the impact of this approach when you have a system under load?
We’ll still use aggressive caching, but you’ll see brief periods where we aren’t checking with the server (usually be able to cache for about a second or so), followed by queries to the server to check for any changes.
In most cases, this is what you want. We still benefit from the cache while reducing the number of remote calls by about 50%, and we don’t have to worry about missing updates. The downside is that, as application developers, we know that this particular document and query are independent, so we want to cache them until we get notice about that particular document being changed.
The default aggressive caching in RavenDB will not be of major help here, I’m afraid. But there are a few things you can do.
You can use Aggressive Caching in the NoTracking mode. In that mode, the client will not ask the server for notifications on changes, and will cache the responses in memory until they expire (clock expiration or size expiration only).
Another option is to take this feature higher than RavenDB directly, but still use its capabilities. Since we have a scenario where we know that we want to cache a specific set of documents and refresh the cache only when those documents are updated, let’s write it.
There are a few things to note about this code. We are holding live instances, so we ensure that the values we keep are immutable records. Otherwise, we may hand the same instance to two threads which can be… fun.
Note that document IDs in RavenDB are case insensitive, so we pass the right string comparer.
Finally, the magic happens in the constructor. We register for two important events. Whenever the connection status of the Changes() connection is modified, we clear the cache. This handles any lost updates scenarios that occurred while we were disconnected.
In practice, the subscription to events on that particular collection is where we ensure that after the server notification, we can evict the document from the cache so that the next request will load a fresh version.
Caching + Distributed Systems = 🤯🤯🤯
I’m afraid this isn’t an easy topic once you dive into the specifics and constraints we operate under. As I mentioned, I would love your feedback on the background cache refresh feature, or maybe you have better insight into other ways to address the topic.
I got into an interesting discussion on LinkedIn about my previous post, talking about Code Rot. I was asked about Legacy Code defined as code without tests and how I reconcile code rot with having tests.
I started to reply there, but it really got out of hand and became its own post.
I read Working Effectively with Legacy Code for the first time in 2005 or thereabout, I think. It left a massive impression on me and on the industry at large. The book is one of the reasons I started rigorously writing tests for my code, it got me interested in mocking and eventually led me to writing Rhino Mocks.
It is ironic that the point of this post is that I disagree with this statement by Michael because of Rhino Mocks. Let’s start with numbers, last commit to the Rhino Mocks repository was about a decade ago. It has just under 1,000 tests and code coverage that ranges between 95% - 100%.
I can modify this codebase with confidence, knowing that I will not break stuff unintentionally. The design of the code is very explicitly meant to aid in testing and the entire project was developed with a Test First mindset.
I haven’t touched the codebase in a decade (and it has been close to 15 years since I really delved into it). The code itself was written in .NET 1.1 around the 2006 timeframe. It literally predates generics in .NET.
It compiles and runs all tests when I try to run it, which is great. But it is still very much a legacy codebase.
It is a legacy codebase because changing this code is a big undertaking. This code will not run on modern systems. We need to address issues related to dynamic code generation between .NET Framework and .NET.
That in turn requires a high level of expertise and knowledge. I’m fairly certain that given enough time and effort, it is possible to do so. The problem is that this will now require me to reconstitute my understanding of the code.
The tests are going to be invaluable for actually making those changes, but the core issue is that a lot of knowledge has been lost. It will be a Project just to get it back to a normative state.
This scenario is pretty interesting because I am actually looking back at my own project. Thinking about having to do the same to a similar project from someone else’s code is an even bigger challenge.
Legacy code, in this context, means that there is a huge amount of effort required to start moving the project along. Note that if we had kept the knowledge and information within the same codebase, the same process would be far cheaper and easier.
Legacy code isn’t about the state of the codebase in my eyes, it is about the state of the team maintaining it. The team, their knowledge, and expertise, are far more important than the code itself.
An orphaned codebase, one that has no one to take care of, is a legacy project even if it has tests. Conversely, a project with no tests but with an actively knowledgeable team operating on it is not.
Note that I absolutely agree that tests are crucial regardless. The distinction that I make between legacy projects and non-legacy projects is whether we can deliver a change to the system.
Reminder: A codebase that isn’t being actively maintained and has no tests is the worst thing of all. If you are in that situation, go read Working Effectively with Legacy Code, it will be a lifesaver.
I need a feature with an ideal cost of X (time, materials, effort, cost, etc). A project with no tests but people familiar with it will be able to deliver it at a cost of 2-3X. A legacy project will need 10X or more. The second feature may still require 2X from the maintained project, but only 5X from the legacy system. However, that initial cost to get things started is the killer.
In other words, what matters here is the inertia, the ability to actually deliver updates to the system.
A customer called us about some pretty weird-looking numbers in their system:
You’ll note that the total number of entries in the index across all the nodes does not match. Notice that node C has 1 less entry than the rest of the system.
At the same time, all the indicators are green. As far as the administrator can tell, there is no issue, except for the number discrepancy. Why is it behaving in this manner?
Well, let’s zoom out a bit. What are we actually looking at here? We are looking at the state of a particular index in a single database within a cluster of machines. When examining the index, there is no apparent problem. Indexing is running properly, after all.
The actual problem was a replication issue, which prevented replication from proceeding to the third node. When looking at the index status, you can only see that the entry count is different.
When we zoom out and look at the state of the cluster, we can see this:
There are a few things that I want to point out in this scenario. The problem here is a pretty nasty one. All nodes are alive and well, they are communicating with each other, and any simple health check you run will give good results.
However, there is a problem that prevents replication from properly flowing to node C. The actual details aren’t relevant (a bug that we fixed, to tell the complete story). The most important aspect is how RavenDB behaves in such a scenario.
The cluster detected this as a problem, marked the node as problematic, and raised the appropriate alerts. As a result of this, clients would automatically be turned away from node C and use only the healthy nodes.
From the customer’s perspective, the issue was never user-visible since the cluster isolated the problematic node. I had a hand in the design of this, and I wrote some of the relevant code. And I’m still looking at these screenshots with a big sense of accomplishment.
This stuff isn’t easy or simple. But to an outside observer, the problem started from: why am I looking at funny numbers in the index state in the admin panel? And not at: why am I serving the wrong data to my users.
The design of RavenDB is inherently paranoid. We go to a lot of trouble to ensure that even if you run into problems, even if you encounter outright bugs (as in this case), the system as a whole would know how to deal with them and either recover or work around the issue.
As you can see, live in production, it actually works and does the Right Thing for you. Thus, I can end this post by saying that this behavior makes me truly happy.
We recently got a support request from a user in which they had the following issue:
We have an index that is using way too much disk space. We don’t need to search the entire dataset, just the most recent documents. Can we do something like this?
from d in docs.Events
where d.CreationDate >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3)selectnew{ d.CreationDate, d.Content };
The idea is that only documents from the past 3 months would be indexed, while older documents would be purged from the index but still retained.
The actual problem is that this is a full-text search index, and the actual data size required to perform a full-text search across the entire dataset is higher than just storing the documents (which can be easily compressed).
This is a great example of an XY problem. The request was to allow access to the current date during the indexing process so the index could filter out old documents. However, that is actually something that we explicitly prevent. The problem is that the current date isn’t really meaningful when we talk about indexing. The indexing time isn’t really relevant for filtering or operations, since it has no association with the actual data.
The date of a document and the time it was indexed are completely unrelated. I might update a document (and thus re-index it) whose CreationDate is far in the past. That would filter it out from the index. However, if we didn’t update the document, it would be retained indefinitely, since the filtering occurs only at indexing time.
Going back to the XY problem, what is the user trying to solve? They don’t want to index all data, but they do want to retain it forever. So how can we achieve this with RavenDB?
Data Archiving in RavenDB
One of the things we aim to do with RavenDB is ensure that we have a good fit for most common scenarios, and archiving is certainly one of them. In RavenDB 6.0 we added explicit support for Data Archiving.
When you save a document, all you need to do is add a metadata element: @archive-at and you are set. For example, take a look at the following document:
This document is set to be archived on Nov 1st, 2024. What does that mean?
From that day on, RavenDB will automatically mark it as an archived document, meaning it will be stored in a compressed format and excluded from indexing by default.
You can decide (on a per-index basis) whether to include archived documents in the index. This gives you a very high level of flexibility without requiring much manual effort.
In short, for this scenario, you can simply tell RavenDB when to archive the document and let RavenDB handle the rest. RavenDB will do the right thing for you.