WPF Question: Is this possible from mark up?
"Categories:" is static text, the rest is generated via this code:
IAddChild c = Categories;//Categories is a Stack Panel with Horizontal Orientation
foreach (Category category in post.Categories)
TextBlock block = new TextBlock();
block.Text = category.Name;
block.Style = (Style) FindResource("BigText");
TextBlock seperator = new TextBlock();
seperator.Text = "//";
seperator.Style = (Style)FindResource("BigText");
seperator.Foreground = Brushes.Brown;
Is there a way to do this via XAML and not from the code?
I would like to thank Tomas Restrepo for pointing me in the direct direction, this is indeed possible, like this:
<ItemsControl Name="Categories"
<WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" Tag="{Binding Path=CategoryId}"
Style="{StaticResource BigText}"/>
<TextBlock Text="//"
Style="{StaticResource BigText}"/>
Notice the ItemsSource="{Binding}", which tripped me at first. Also, note that I am binding the tag of the text blog to the ID of the category. I don't really like this, but I couldn't figure out how to bind to the current item itself.
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