IL Weaving - Mystery wrapped in an Enigma containing Frustration
Okay, here is another exampe of using Cecil, but I think that you can figure out what I think about having to deal with raw IL.
Feel free to figure out what this does, and why I would be interested in such a thing. BTW, in Boo to Boo, that sort of thing so painless. Having to deal with the raw IL takes all the fun out of it.
I know about Cecil.FlowControl, but as far as I can find, this is mostly (only?) for reading assemblies. I am looking for a way to have a reasonable AST over cecil. This is not scalable no matter how you cast it.
import Mono.Cecil
import Mono.Cecil.Cil
class DisposableAttribute(Attribute):
def Process(t as TypeDefinition):
disposed = FieldDefinition("___was_disposed",t.Module.Import(bool), FieldAttributes.Private)
t.Interfaces.Add( t.Module.Import(typeof(IDisposable)))
for method as MethodDefinition in t.Methods:
cil = method.Body.CilWorker
ins = method.Body.Instructions[0];
if method.Name=="Dispose":
cil.InsertBefore(ins,cil.Create(OpCodes.Stfld, disposed))
wasDisposedLoc = VariableDefinition(t.Module.Import(bool))
method.Body.Variables.Add( wasDisposedLoc )
cil.InsertBefore(ins, cil.Create(OpCodes.Brtrue_S,ins))
cil.InsertBefore(ins,cil.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, t.FullName))
t.Module.Import(typeof(ObjectDisposedException).GetConstructors()[0]) ))
Chris, compiler!
Being able to get a complete AST from a Cecil assembly, being able to modify it and to save it back is one of the goal of the Milo [1] framework. The goal is to combine Cecil.FlowAnalysis, a modified Boo AST and Cecil.
Even if we're sort of busy, Rodrigo and I are working on that.
I've been trying to implement some of these macros for .NET too.. am I to take it you already have such a project on the go? In particular, have you been able to implement DefaultAttribute ala Boo? I couldn't work out how to reference the attribute constructor parameters from the generated IL..
BTW, your blogs "email" field does not accept some well formed emails, in particular those with a + in the first part of the address..
Firstly, thanks! I've been reading the blog for a few month now after being slamdunked into the world of .NET, C#, Monorail and full time coding.
Have to say its been a good way to get on the bandwagon and keep up with anything and everything. Not that I understand alot of it, but I guess we all have to start somewhere.
Secondly, I have a request.. While I can always go away and read up about the topic of your posts if necessary, sometimes I'm confused by the acronyms. I don't know how useful it might be to everyone else, but as a suggestion some kind of automated text to link conversion for your acronyms might be good.
ie) 'Monorail' pointing to
Anyway, just a suggestion, I know it's not going to be too high on your priority list right now :-)
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