RavenMQ update
It wasn’t planned so much as it happened, but RavenMQ just slipped into private beta stage. The API is still in a the somewhat clumsy state, but it it is working quite nicely
You can see an example of the client API below:
using(var connection = RavenMQConnection.Connect("http://reduction:8181")) { connection.Subscribe("/queues/abc", (context, message) => Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Data))); connection.PublishAsync(new IncomingMessage { Queue = "/queues/abc", Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello Ravens") }); Console.ReadLine(); }
Please note that this is likely to be subject to many changes.
This is written about 10 minutes after I posted the code above:
using(var connection = RavenMQConnection.Connect("http://localhost:8181")) { connection. Subscribe<User>("/queues/abc", (context, message) => Console.WriteLine(message.Name)); connection .StartPublishing .Add("/queues/abc", new User {Name = "Ayende"}) .PublishAsync(); Console.ReadLine(); }
I told you it would change…
I like the subscribe, don't like the publish.
Does it run on mono?
I don't like the publish either. It should be connection.PublishAsync("/queues/abc", new User { Name = "Ayende" });
Why do you need connection.StartPublishing?
Is RavenMQ transactional?
Or a bit more specific: Would you recommend RavenMQ as an nservicebus transport?
I agree with configurator. Anything more than that and it's too much.
Is this going to work with the DTC? How does Ravenmq compare to rabbitmq? If it wil work on the DTC then it will be possible to integrate with nservicebus.
You don't have to go into a fit for API. If I'd be using it in the client, I'd probably stick MemBus on top of it and...
bus.Publish(new User {Name = "Ayende"});
void Handle(User user) {
RavenMQConnection w/queuename etc.etc.
Just wondering how much logic goes into the queue name, if I remember correctly it can be a pretty dynamic thing...
Bryan & configurator,
Yes, it runs on Mono.
And the reason that it needs the StartPublishing code is that we want to make the API very explicit about the way we support sending multiple messages in a single batch
Yes, it is transactional.
And while you could use it as a NSB transport, its main usage scenario is being expose to the actual clients
Hats off to you man! Every time I visit you've got something amazing going. So did you steal Dumbledore's time turner or just figured out the cloning process. It's hard to believe that it's just you doing all of this.
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