Hibernating Rhinos is hiring

time to read 2 min | 292 words

My company is hiring again, and since I had so much success in our previous hiring round, I decided to use this blog for the next one as well.

Some information that you probably need to know:

  • You have to know to program in C#.
  • If you have OSS credentials, that is all for the better, but it is not required.
  • It is not a remote position, our offices are located in Hadera, Israel.

We are looking for developers, and are open for people with little to no commercial experience. I am looking for people who are passionate about programming, and I explicitly don’t list the whole alphabet soup that you usually see in a hiring notice. I don’t really care if you have / don’t have 5 years experience in WCF 4.1 update 3. I care that you can think, that you can program your way out of problems and also know when it is not a good idea to throw code at a problem.

If you are a reader of my blog, you probably have a pretty good idea about the sort of things that we are doing. But to be clear, we are talking about working on our flock of ravens (RavenDB, RavenFS and RavenMQ), our suite of profilers as well as some other things that I won’t discuss publically at this point Smile.

What is required:

Commercial experience is not required, but I would want to see code that you wrote.

Additionally, we are still looking for interns, so if you are a student who would like to gain some real world commercial experience (and get paid for it, naturally), contact me.