Reading list
It seems popular lately, to share whatever books one is reading.
Here are mine:
Development books:
- Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET - This one seems to be required, so I got it, and I'm very pleased about it.
- Coder to Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software
Fun books:
- The Book of Taltos - Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos seria. An amazingly well written set of books.
- Dime Store Magic : Women of the Otherworld - Another book by Kelly Armstrong, which is really fun to read. Especially if you've read her previous works BittenStolen, which are simply superb.
I want to learn a little about Domain Driven Design, can anyone recommend a good source for this? Preperably something that I can throw at the wall when I don't understand something.
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