A different UI approach

time to read 3 min | 504 words

I have been doing some work with MonoRail recently, and I noticed that I am structuring the UI in a completely different way than the way I would using WebForms.

When I used WebForms, I at first tried to make significant use of the builtin controls and components, thinking that they would make my work easier. But it turned out that they added complexity instead of removing it. Then I tried to use WebForms in as pure HTML generation capacity as possible. I made very big use of repeaters and such controls, some of which I built myself.

When I just started to use MonoRail, I had much the same style, but now I am finding out that I am doing things differently. The more recent solutions relies a lot more about generating JS for data, and then generating the UI using JS. The somewhat primitive approach outlined below represent a spike for a new feature, where we simply wanted to see how we can get it started, but I think that this makes the point fairly obvious.

<script type="text/javascript">
	var orders = [];
	var lines = [];
	for order in orders: 
			id: "!{order.Id}",
			name: "!{order.Name}",
		for orderLine in order.OrderLines: 
		id: "!{orderLine.Id}",
		orderId: "!{order.Id}",
		orderName: "!{order.name}",
		cost:	"!{orderLine.Cost}",
		account: "!{account.name}" 

Event.observe(window, 'load', function(){
	for(var i = 0; i< lines.length; i++)
		var line = lines[i];
		var td = $('orderlinessTR').down('td');
		var div = document.createElement("div");
		div.className = "order";
		div.tag = line;
		div.innerHTML = line.orderName;
	for(var i = 0;i<orders.length; i++)
		$('ordersDDL').options.add(new Option(orders[i].name, orders[i].id));

	Event.observe($('ordersDDL'), 'change', function(){
		var e = $('ordersDDL');
		var id = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
		var divs = $$('div.line');
		for(var i = 0; i< divs.length; i++)
			if(divs[i].tag.orderId == id)
				divs[i].style.background = "red";


As you can see, we start by generating JS for the data, and then process it somehow. I considered using JSON to serialize my entities directly to JSON strings, but I am absolutely against tying the javascript to my domain model. An explicit translation step is much more welcome in this case, although the one above it is not a very robust one, I will admit.

In fact, as a direct correlation of this trend, I find myself doing a lot more work that centers around creating javascript controls. Those are rich, incredibly easy to develop, frustrating at times (usually when I am working on explorer) and framework independent. I have completely buy into Prototype/JQuery (I really should post about that) as an underlying framework to work with, but I have yet to start working with the JS control libraries that I hear other peoples raving about. I made some use of scriptacolous, but that is about it.

Am I doing something strange? Or is it just a common trend that I missed?